How to contribute

Reporting a bug, requesting improvements

If you find a bug in Parameters or would like to suggest an improvement, go to the issue_tracker and check whether someone else already reported the same bug or requested the same improvement. If not, click on “New Issue” and describe the problem, preferably including a code sample that reproduces the problem.

Setting up a development environment

We strongly suggest you use virtualenv to isolate your work on Parameters from your default Python installation. It is best to create two virtualenvs, one using Python 2.7, the other using Python 3.2 or later.

To run the tests, we suggest installing at least nose, NumPy and PyYAML. You may also need to install SciPy.

To obtain the Parameters source code, you will need a GitHub account. You should then fork (see the GitHub documentation if you are new to GitHub) and clone your own copy of the repository:

git clone<username>/parameters.git

You will then need either to install Parameters in your virtualenv(s) or otherwise add it to your PYTHONPATH.

Running the test suite

The easiest way to run the test suite is to run nosetests in the root of the source directory or in the test subdirectory.

Tests should be run with both Python 2.7 and some version of Python >= 3.2.

Coding standards and style

Parameters is intended to support Python 2.7 and all versions of Python >= 3.2, using a single code base. For guidance on achieving this, see Porting to Python 3 and the Python 3 Porting Guide.

Contributing code

When you are happy with your changes to the code, all the tests pass with all supported versions of Python, open a pull request on Github.

Making a release

If you are the release manager for Parameters, here is a checklist for making a release:

  • update the version numbers in, parameters/, doc/ and doc/installation.txt
  • update doc/changelog.txt
  • run all the tests with both Python 2 and Python 3
  • python sdist upload
  • rebuild the documentation at
  • commit the changes, tag with release number, push to GitHub
  • bump the version numbers