Source code for parameters.random


A set of classes representing statistical distributions, with an interface that
is compatible with the ParameterSpace class in the parameters module.


GammaDist   - gamma.pdf(x,a,b) = x**(a-1)*exp(-x/b)/gamma(a)/b**a
NormalDist  - normal distribution
UniformDist - uniform distribution


from __future__ import absolute_import
    import numpy
    import numpy.random
    have_numpy = True
except ImportError:
    have_numpy = False
    import scipy.stats
    have_scipy = True
except ImportError:
    have_scipy = False
import math

[docs]class ParameterDist(object): """ missing docstring """ def __init__(self, **params): self.params = params self.dist_name = 'ParameterDist' def __repr__(self): if len(self.params) == 0: return '%s()' % (self.dist_name,) s = '%s(' % (self.dist_name,) for key in self.params: s += '%s=%s,' % (key, str(self.params[key])) return s[:-1]+')'
[docs] def next(self, n=1): raise NotImplementedError( 'This is an abstract base class and cannot be used directly')
[docs] def from_stats(self, vals, bias=0.0, expand=1.0): """missing docstring""" if have_numpy: self.__init__(mean=numpy.mean(vals)+bias, std=numpy.std(vals)*expand) else: raise Exception("Error: numpy was not found at import time.")
def __eq__(self, o): # should we track the state of the rng and return False if it is # different between self and o? if (type(self) == type(o) and self.dist_name == o.dist_name and self.params == o.params): return True else: return False
[docs]class GammaDist(ParameterDist): """ gamma.pdf(x,a,b) = x**(a-1)*exp(-x/b)/gamma(a)/b**a Yields strictly positive numbers. Generally the distribution is implemented by `scipy.stats.gamma.pdf(x/b,a)/b` For more info, in ipython type:: >>> ? scipy.stats.gamma """ def __init__(self, mean=None, std=None, repr_mode='ms', **params): """ repr_mode specifies how the dist is displayed, either mean,var ('ms', the default) or a,b ('ab') """ self.repr_mode = repr_mode if 'm' in params and mean is None: mean = params['m'] if 's' in params and std is None: std = params['s'] # neither mean nor std specified if (mean, std) == (None, None): if 'a' in params: a = params['a'] else: a = 1.0 if 'b' in params: b = params['b'] else: b = 1.0 else: if mean is None: mean = 0.0 if std is None: std = 1.0 a = mean**2/std**2 b = mean/a ParameterDist.__init__(self, a=a, b=b) self.dist_name = 'GammaDist' if have_scipy: def next(self, n=1): return scipy.stats.gamma.rvs(self.params['a'], size=n)*self.params['b'] else: def next(self, n=1): raise Exception( 'Error: scipy was not found at import time. GammaDist realization disabled.') def mean(self): return self.params['a']*self.params['b'] def std(self): return self.params['b']*math.sqrt(self.params['a']) def __repr__(self): if self.repr_mode == 'ms': return '%s(m=%f,s=%f)' % (self.dist_name, self.mean(), self.std()) else: return '%s(a=%f,b=%f)' % (self.dist_name, self.params['a'], self.params['b'])
[docs]class NormalDist(ParameterDist): """ normal distribution with parameters mean + std """ def __init__(self, mean=0.0, std=1.0): ParameterDist.__init__(self, mean=mean, std=std) self.dist_name = 'NormalDist' if have_numpy: def next(self, n=1): return numpy.random.normal(loc=self.params['mean'], scale=self.params['std'], size=n) else: def next(self, n=1): raise Exception( 'Error: numpy was not found at import time. NormalDist realization disabled.')
[docs]class UniformDist(ParameterDist): """ uniform distribution with min,max """ def __init__(self, min=0.0, max=1.0, return_type=float): ParameterDist.__init__(self, min=min, max=max) self.dist_name = 'UniformDist' self.return_type = return_type if have_numpy: def next(self, n=1): vals = numpy.random.uniform(low=self.params['min'], high=self.params['max'], size=n) if self.return_type != float: vals = vals.astype(self.return_type) return vals else: def next(self, n=1): raise Exception( 'Error: numpy was not found at import time. UniformDist realization disabled.') def from_stats(self, vals, bias=0.0, expand=1.0): mn = min(vals) mx = max(vals) center = 0.5*(mx+mn)+bias hw = 0.5*(mx-mn)*expand self.__init__(min=center-hw, max=center+hw)